Our New tenant

Just so happens to be The Queen of Classic Rock from Hard Rock Raido Live and she proclaims herself to be the "Rock Bitch." Now I don't know about everyone else but Rock and Roll is some of the best music on the face of the earth IMO. Though, "The Rock Bitch" is also a survivor or Ovarian Cancer. Her blog describes everyday life of a deejay and her personal experiences. So please be kind and click on her blog. Cause we don't up date enough you've probally already read all the questions that we have answered and you still have 25 seconds to wait.

More updates soon. Please e-mail all your questions. Thank You.


1 comment:

Lisa said...

Thanks Mr. Matt! This is such a great site you and Gi Giott have here. Thanks for sharing on such a personal level. I appreciate all of the blogs that members of the military write because it gives me a true picture of what is going on in Iraq.

Rock on!